On Friday night, MaryLou and I hosted the Christian Legal Society Christmas party. We managed to squeeze 22 people into our condo. Needless to say, people were sitting
everywhere. :) Despite the tight quarters, we had a fantastic time!!! The evening started out with dinner - potluck style. MaryLou and I made my mom's chili, and everyone else brought side dishes, desserts, drinks, etc. The most talked about items on the menu were the green bean casserole and the cornbread. Two of the guys in my section decided to cook after being prodded by another classmate of mine (a female, of course). Thankfully, their first cooking foray was successful - a fact of which they were quite proud. My favorite item was the white hot chocolate. I need to hunt down that recipe...
After dinner we had a gift exchange. The most fought-over gift was the duct tape wallet and highlighters that MaryLou brought. You know you're at a gathering with a bunch of law students when the top gift is highlighters...we're all desperate for new ones because the ones we bought at the beginning of the quarter (five weeks ago) are going dead.
The gift exchange was followed by one round of Taboo. I, unfortunately, discovered that I am not very good at the game...the very first two cards I said the words that were "off-limits." *Sigh*
Chris explaining Mafia. |
We then moved on to Mafia, which was quite interesting with such a large group. My favorite round was when I got to be the Mafia. I had on a pair of bell earrings, so I had to be super careful not to move my head too much. :) I lucked out, though - I was genuinely confused about how the game worked at the beginning, so one of my classmates announced, "She's not the Mafia!!" Haha - looks can be so deceiving...About four rounds later, the townspeople decided he was the Mafia and killed him off. I so wanted to turn my head and grin when I "woke up" to kill, but I decided it was too risky with the earrings. :)
Lindy attempting to interrogate MaryLou. He thought he figured out the truth....but he didn't. :)
This group is one of the things I am most thankful for this quarter. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have this group to make me feel like I belong here.
On a final note: 5 MORE DAYS until I am home!!! At the moment, it feels like Friday will never arrive (especially considering the eight-page memo that is due on Thursday that makes me want to cry). But this time next week I will be sitting at home with my family after having gone to my church - can't wait!!!!