Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of a Law Degree. The title of my blog pretty much sums me up! I am a twenty-something graduate student studying law at Baylor Law School in the grand ol' state of Texas. Allow me to break down my blog title for you.
"Life." I love life, but more than I love life, I love Christ. In fact, Christ is my life and it is for Him that I live. It is my goal to love and honor Him with all of my being and to seek Him first and foremost above anything or anyone else. In doing so, I am able to love and live life more fully. My family and friends are also vital components of my existence and I am eternally thankful for them. As cliche as it may sound, I would not be who I am today without them.
Me and my fam
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The Three Musketeers! (aka Ashleigh and Rachel) | | | |
Dr. Strange |
"Liberty." I am passionate about current affairs and have strong convictions not only in matters of the Christian faith but in the application of the Christian principles to politics. Throughout high school and college, I was heavily involved in debate and in model programs. Immersing myself in politics and studying current affairs in light of a Christian worldview is part of what sparked my interest in pursuing a law degree.
Secretary General at Model NATO |
Finally, "Pursuit of a Law Degree." After many applications and much prayer, I decided to attend Baylor Law School where I am now getting ready for my second year. Although my first year as a law student was a trying experience, the Lord grew me and molded me more fully into the character of Christ, and I would not trade that for anything. Getting ready to embark on my second year as a law student, I am finding myself more drawn to the field of bio-ethics. It is an excellent arena in which I can more fully, practically, and actively integrate a Christian worldview into the practice of law.
Well, that's about it. To get to know me more, just read the blog! It includes a variety of different types of posts - from recipes, guest posts, my latest running escapades, to random musings on life, liberty and the pursuit of a law degree.