I am happy to report that I have survived yet another set of finals. This time, however, I survived by the skin of my teeth. I knew that having four finals was going to be much more difficult than three, but I had no idea just how bad it would be. By Thursday, I was mentally and physically broken. I find myself looking back on senior year of college and thinking, “Gee – I thought life was difficult at the time…but that was nothing compared to what I am going through now.” Occasionally the thought crosses my mind that I will probably look back on this year with the same thoughts – that, however, sends a shudder through me, and makes me hope that it never comes true. For the moment, I am tired of being stretched.
Thankfully, I had a lifesaver – AnnaGrace drove down from Denton (she had snow days all week!), cooked me dinner, and washed my dishes. Her presence was a Godsend. I have never been so thankful to see someone in my entire life. I honestly think I would have had a complete nervous breakdown if left to myself.
The cherry on top of my wretched day was that it started snowing. The weather forecast had been calling for snow, and I was praying all day that it would not – I just wanted to finish my last final and be done with it. Unfortunately, that was not to be. Usually when snow arrives, I am like a 5-year-old kid in a candy store. But Thursday night, I almost cried as I watched it fall. The snow day did end up being a nice break, however. My group of friends from Christian Legal Society (CLS) came over, and we watched “The Little Shop Around the Corner” with Jimmy Stewart. If you have not seen this movie, I HIGHLY recommend it!! We then went out and had a snowball fight – it was the best one I have had in a very long time. We took some pictures, which are not currently in my possession – but look for them in a future post!
I am sad to admit that after a terrible speed workout last Monday, I didn’t run again until today (a whole week!!). Although I woke up Thursday morning, pulled my running tights on, and swore that I would drag my butt out the door, I did not. For the first time since August, law school won – but only a small battle. I like to think that I will still win the war – but that determination will have to wait until after I get my grades back. Today's workout was much better. I was actually under all of my times, and it felt wonderful...and the sunshine was amazing. So, I'm back on track for my Bearathon training plan, complete with three black X's through last week's workouts. :)
Well, sorry for the dismal post – life has gotten much better since the weekend…you will just have to wait to hear more about it. Here are a few highlights to whet your appetite – a movie review, my first day of my third (can you believe it??) quarter, and my new favorite way to eat vegetables – the “green monster.”
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