Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Working Life For Me

I’m now halfway through my first week of work. Things have gone very smoothly. I absolutely love working at a non-profit! Everyone is super friendly, and the office atmosphere is very relaxed. No worries about pulling 60 hour work weeks here! :)

I am fortunate enough to have my own office with a desk that they prepared for me. Isn't it cute? :)

On Monday, I didn’t really do a whole lot – my supervisor wanted me to use the day to get oriented and learn more about what Nightlight does. So, I spent the day reading their two grant applications, watching two National Geographic movies about pregnancy (SO COOL!), and perusing Nightlight’s website, listening to webinars, etc. It was a nice chill day, and I learned a TON! Unfortunately, I’ve lost the sheet of paper on which I made my notes, so I can’t remember all the cool things I was going to tell you. L It’s amazing how quickly things flow out of my brain sometimes!

But, here is the most amazing piece of information I learned: did you know that by three weeks and one day after fertilization, the heartbeat of the baby can be detected? Stop for a minute and think about what this really means – before a woman even knows she is pregnant, the child’s heart is already beating! If this fact doesn’t make you pro-life, I don’t think anything will.

After watching the videos on pregnancy, I found myself feeling "super" pro-life. I have always been pro-life, but after learning how quickly the organs of a baby develop, I just can't imagine ever being okay with abortion. I want to go out and tell everyone this information!! :) A friend mentioned that her dad wears a baby's feet pin that is the exact same size as a baby's feet 10 weeks into the pregnancy. I decided to see if I could find them, and promptly ordered five. One for me, one for a friend, and three extras to pass out to whomever else is interested. If you want one, let me know. Or, you can visit Holy Angels Gift Shop and order one. They're super cheap!
After work on Monday, I drove down the street to Loveland’s Sculpture Garden to run. Apparently Loveland is known for its sculptors, and there’s a huge sculpture festival during the summer. I only ran for about 15 minutes – I can’t run for more than about ¾ of a mile before my lungs start burning. Hurray for being 5,000 feet above sea level! J Here are some pictures from my run:

Last night, I just headed home and spent an evening at home - I was pretty tired yesterday! I also spent 30 minutes working on reading for Practice Court. I only made it through four cases! Clearly, I'm going to have to up my efficiency! Good thing I'm starting early. :)

This evening I plan to see about getting a gym membership for my stay here. I also need to look at recipes, since I volunteered to cook tomorrow night. I added a whole bunch to my Yummy Soup app right before I left Texas, so I'm looking forward to trying something new!


  1. I thought I sent a comment saying I'm so grateful to be able to follow what you're doing on this blog without having to intrude and call you every few days for an update. Thank you so much for the comments and the photos. I'm not sure the previous comment was published. BJS

    1. Glad you are enjoying the blog! I'm hoping to get in the habit of blogging more frequently this summer, now that I have interesting things to write again. :)
