Friday, February 22, 2013

I am trying something new. With all this time on my hands this quarter, I want to start making bread.

I started out with this bread:

I got the recipe from a friend, and boy is it amazing. You can find the recipe at My New Roots. It is also super easy, gluten free, and full of fiber. I recommend topping it with honey.

I've just started my next adventure in making bread: a sourdough starter.

I came across instructions yesterday, and it looks like it's not too complicated. I LOVE sourdough bread, but I've always been intimidated by it because it requires a starter. Turns out that means putting water and flour in a jar in equal proportions, "feeding" it every so often, and letting it mature for a while. Sounds doable...we'll see how it goes next week when I try to make my first loaf.

Well, that's all the new adventures for now. I'm off to get some lunch and then work on my independent study paper. Happy Friday!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Stellar Day

That day when your one class gets cancelled. I was so happy I didn't even mind that I drove all the way to school before I found out. :)

Add a new pair of running shoes (in an AWESOME color!!!) and a trail run, and the day was practically perfect.

Aren't they cool???? I can't stop jumping up and down over them.

I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What, you may ask, am I doing with another three-inch binder full of paper? It's my new for-fun reading material!! And I am SUPER excited about this binder. :)

Last quarter, I read "Redeeming Law." I really enjoyed thinking about my work as a lawyer from a Christian perspective. Though I attend a "Christian" law school, I don't ever get that at school. I'm tired of being given secular advice and told, "That's just the way the legal profession works." I don't want to be a lawyer that's the same as others. I want to be different.

Hopefully this binder will help me with that goal. I went through the footnotes of "Redeeming Law" and listed all of the law review articles that were cited. Since I have free printing through Westlaw, I was able to print all of them off at school. Now they're tabbed and ready for all the free time I'll have this quarter! :)

Speaking of this quarter, so far it's going great. This week has been very slow... I have been taking it very easy in an effort to fully recover from my sickness over the weekend, so nothing very exciting has happened. Despite a really nasty sounding cough that's hanging on, I feel mostly back to normal.

I am really enjoying my classes, too. This quarter I only have four: Wealth Transfers, Intellectual Property, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), and Client Counseling. I signed up for ADR because I've heard it's an easy class, plus it fit nicely in my schedule, and I needed two more hours. But after class yesterday, I really think I'm going to like it. And, I think it will be very helpful not only in my legal practice, but for life in general.

Well, that's all for now. I need to go start dinner before our Galentine's celebration tonight at 6pm! 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

My desk is clean and ready for the start of a new quarter!

Now if I could beat the cold that has taken up residence in my head. It looks like I'll be spending the day on the couch. At least I have my Alexander Hamilton biography to keep me company...