Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Okay, so I'm once again renewing my attempt at being more faithful to this whole blogging thing. :) My goal is to post several times a week, even if I feel like I have nothing to say.

Today's posts is one of those times when I don't have much to say. This week has been difficult. Nothing set me off, I've just been feeling rather grumpy all week. This is quite unusual, considering that the weather was gorgeous today, and I've had lots of classes cancelled this week. Nonetheless, it's been a barely-keeping-my-head-above-water type week.

In the midst of the distress of this week, however, I've been mediating on Psalm 20:7-8. I read it on Monday morning - it's as if God knew I was going to need it this week. I've included it below with my own annotations. :)

Some trust in [law degrees] and some in [money], 
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

Isn't that amazing? So simple, and yet so easy to lose sight of. I am not in law school because I chose it, or the career chose me. I am here because God called me here. And when law school feels so hard that I feel like quitting, I need to be reminded of that fact. He is the one who brought me here, and He will carry me through.

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