Sunday, April 1, 2012

God is Good

This last week was incredible. It was a reminder once again of how God has been and is orchestrating this summer in ways that I could have never imagined. So, here's the story...

I have been calling law firms since November trying to find an internship for this summer. The process is very frustrating - most of the firms I called weren't hiring interns and most of the rest said they weren't sure, but I could send my resume in anyway. Even after I sent my resume, I usually heard nothing.

In January, I applied for and got an internship with the Supreme Court of Texas for the second half of the summer. I was (and still am) ecstatic!! It was very clear to me that the Lord opened that door. However, I was still looking for something for the first half of the summer, so I continued calling firms.

This past Tuesday, I called a Christian organization that has an embryo adoption program. I heard of the organization last year, and have wanted to intern with them ever since. So on Tuesday, I picked up the phone and called. The secretary put me through to the director of the embryo adoption program. She has never had an intern before, but she was open to the idea. We ended up talking for about ten minutes, and she asked me to send a resume and ideas for what I would like to do.

On Thursday morning, she emailed me back and said that she would love to have me intern with her this summer! She wants to do an outreach to OB/GYNs to educate them about embryo adoption. Additionally, the organization recently found out that the 2013 Presidential Budget does not include funding for embryo adoption, so I'll be brainstorming about how to get it back in the budget.

The greatest part of this whole story is: the organization is in Colorado!!! I've decided that I think I would love living there (even though I've never visited), so I'm over the moon with excitement about getting the chance to test-drive the state. :)

But, the story gets even better...when I called my grandmother to tell her, she said that my mom has cousins in the town where I'll be working. She hasn't seen them in years, but just recently visited them while she was in Colorado!! When she called to tell them I would be living there, they offered for me to stay with them.

It has been amazing to see how God has orchestrated this summer, far beyond what I could have ever imagined I would be doing. I can't even begin to express the excitement and amazement that I have experienced over the past few days. The months of calling firms and being rejected was SO worth waiting for these opportunities.

So - get excited!!! I plan to post lots of pictures of the mountains, me trail-running, and having lots of cool adventures in the lovely state of Colorado!!! :)

Here's a sneak peek of what's to come...

P.S. If you would like to know more about embryo adoption (what it is), you can check out this website: Embryo Adoption. I will also post more about it soon!

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