Sunday, March 20, 2011

Scrambled L'eggs and Achin'

Yesterday, I finished my first half marathon!! WHOO HOO!!! It's funny - two years ago, the thought of running 3 miles was daunting, and yesterday I did 13.1 (which apparently was actually 13.5 - and yes, those extra 4/10ths seem really long!). Those miles were completed in 2:16:22 - a personal record!!! ;) It has been so exciting to see my progress as a runner. I truly have become addicted - within an hour of the race, I was wondering when the next will be!! Unfortunately, I need to nail down my summer plans before I go signing up for another race, but I will keep you posted! My goal for the summer is to run a 5K sub-25 minutes.

Since there was also a 5K, we roped in a bunch of friends to join us so we could have a team. Our team name. as evidenced by the title, was Scrambled L'eggs and Achin'. :)

Creating our team shirts!

The team!
Only four of us were brave enough to attempt the "Bearathon" - which is appropriately called the "Toughest Half in Texas." I used to think Texas is flat - HAHA!!! The hills in Cameron Park are ridiculous!!! Seriously, two of them are like a 45% incline - but, we managed to run up all of them!! Unfortunately, my quads are protesting today!

The half marathoners: before
The half marathoners: after. We're still alive!!
 AnnaGrace and MaryLou set out at a good clip (about 8:30 pace!), while Jeremy and I brought up the rear at about a 10:30 pace. It's funny how a normal pace seems so slow on race day!! We had a very enjoyable time, though I think Jeremy was ready to kill me during the last two miles. It was only my threat to leave him behind if he walked that kept him going. :) For never running more than 9 miles, though, he did wonderfully.

I am quite sore today, though the general achiness normally felt after a long run is gone. This morning at church, I groaned a little bit every time they said, "You may be seated." It got more difficult every time!!

Well, the Bearathon marked the pinnacle, and nearly the end, of my two weeks of spring break (although only one was official, I pretended this past week). Unfortunately, Sunday started out cloudy, and yet another church visit was a bust. I am once again so frustrated that I feel like staying home on Sundays and watching a sermon online. *Sigh*

So, at the current moment, all of my visitors are gone, and my condo is hauntingly quiet. Additionally, I have property homework calling my name, a statutory construction exercise due Tuesday, and a moot court tryout Wednesday. Is it bad that I am dreading the week before it even begins?

And finally, a theoretical question: Why are goodbyes so difficult? I have always hated them, but I swear they get more difficult each time.

Sorry to end this post on such a low note, but such are the Sunday evening blues!! Here is praying that tomorrow is NOT the typical, crummy Monday...

P.S. Tomorrow, I will finally post my very first french fry recipe! Something to look forward to, I suppose.

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